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Purpose Over Passion

Purpose Over Passion

By: Kasia Chatman 

I am going to move to Atlanta, marry my first love, have kids at the age of 23, intern with Google within my first year of college, graduate with an engineering degree, and make millions of dollars.”

This was my plan when I graduated from high school and looking back, I was not prepared for God to totally wreck those plans. I quickly learned that passion does not always equal purpose.

What are you chasing?

All of us have dreams and aspirations to reach success and want that pinnacle moment in our life where we can scream to the whole wide world that “We made it,” despite the circumstances and adversity life continued to throw at us. This becomes evident through the overwhelming amount of times people post relationships, jobs, and homes as “goals” on their social media pages. With this, we will chase certain careers and even stay in unhealthy relationships because of the passionate desires to create the vision of the life we wish for. Commonly, people get so stuck on not losing their passions that they do not realize they may be losing themselves. We chase what we see on social media instead of seeking God for His plan for us. I challenge you that instead of running after a alternate fantasy that you instead run after a destined reality.

Why purpose?

When the things I was passionate about went crumbling to the ground, I was left with broken pieces. It was the introduction on the song, “Gracefully Broken,” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard that helped me to make sense of what was happening in my life.


"Gracefully Broken"


God will break you to position

He will break you to promote you

And break you to put you in your right place

But when He breaks you He doesn't hurt you, He doesn't

When He breaks you He does it with Grace.


It was in this broken place, that I found my purpose. I suddenly realized that the success I was chasing could never sustain me because success is not a one-way trip or a destination. Passion would have you believing that once you get that job or that car, that you have finally arrived to success. In reality, you will never stop wanting more, but if you allow passion to drive this instead of purpose then you will lose the “why” of what you are doing in the first place. For example, once you get that amazing job with amazing pay, Passion will say that it is to merely brag about it to others and show your worth to the world. Purpose will say that it is so your children’s children will never have to know what it feels like to go through poverty because you will start a legacy of wealth throughout your family. Purpose goes beyond you. It goes through generations and changes culture. It breaks down barriers and severs soul ties. It heals families and allows growth. Purpose is the door to destiny.

Pray this Prayer

Lord, I pray today that I follow your will and plan for my life.

That my passions align with your purpose for me.

That I do not chase after people or things, but I chase after you.

And as I chase after you, you will reveal the steps that I need to take. 

Allow my heart to heal from all brokenness and allow me to hear your voice clearly.

Give me the strength to endure the storm and I thank you for the joy that is coming.




Follow Kasia on IG @kasiachatman 

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This is absolutely awesome and amazing. Your words a are so profound. I love just watching the growth God has placed on you. Continue to strive my love. He has such greater things in store for you. Eyes have not seen. Nor ears have not heard. I love you daughter. Mommy😘

Candace Pope

Awww baby i just love this i loved that prayer also i needed this tonight i love u♥💚💙💜🖤💜💗

Kimberly chatman

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