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First Ladies of Atlanta: Patrice Meadows

First Ladies of Atlanta: Patrice Meadows

First Lady Patrice Meadows

We posted on our Instagram asking our sisters to tag your amazing First Ladies in the Atlanta area. 

Today, we would like to introduce Patrice Meadows. She is the First Lady of the Embassy Church. 

What advice would you give to women new in their walk with Christ?

My advice for women new in their walk with Christ is to keep going. Although it may not seem like it now, you have made the absolute best decision of your life to accept Jesus Christ. This faith walk is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't be in a rush to keep up with where you think someone else is right now. Understand that who you are today is not who you will be next month or next year. Trust God, allow Him to lead every part of your life and you will become all that God has called you to.

Who are some fellow women of God that truly inspire you?

I am truly inspired by Pastor Sheryl Brady, Marshawn Evans, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Michelle Obama to name a few. They have all far exceeded every expectation set by the people around them. They excel in traditional ministry settings and in the marketplace as authors, entrepreneurs, politicians, and public figures.

How do you balance the many roles you have?

The first thing I do is prioritize. Understand that balance does not mean you give everything equal attention, that would be impossible. Instead, be very intentional with your time. Always remember you are in control of where you put your time. Don't just go through life putting all your gifts/talents into something that you don't believe in. When you are living out your passion, you don't mind putting all your time and resources into it. Some times I work long hours and some weeks I spend more time at church. Then, some days I dedicate solely to family time and some minutes I reserve for myself. Different seasons and different times call for you to put more emphasis in one area than others. In the end, be led by the Spirit and always keep God First!

How do you feel the church is changing with technology and the rise of the millennial?

The church has finally started to embrace the technology era and the rise of the millennial. I think we should be leading innovations and driving the culture instead of always trying to keep up with it. As a millennial, I feel like we have unique characteristics that give us a bad name. But really, we are a generation that refuses to be marginalized, to be told no or to settle for less than what we know we are capable of. We want to work for ourselves, be successful in ministry, career, and life and do something we haven't seen other generations do on a large scale. The church has to be able to minister to and guide this ambition. The leaders who are able to successfully harness this collective power will see an unprecedented revival in the church.

What is the biggest leap of faith you've ever taken?

The biggest leap of faith I've ever taken was to quit my job and plan to open a school. Eight months ago, I left a job where I had seen consistent 5 figure promotions for the past five years. I was very successful as an Assistant Principal and had grown to love my work family. However, I knew God was calling me to do something else. Since leaving, I received a grant to cover my salary during my year of planning. I have a lot of work to do, but I believe God will provide me with everything I need to open Atlanta SMART Academy, a tuition-free charter school in SW Atlanta.

Fashion changes all the time, what are some staple items you think every woman should own?

Every woman needs a black blazer and some cute jeans and a nice pair of heels! I am pretty plain Jane so that is definitely my go-to look.

We have a pretty big girl + God audience, for the ladies in your area looking for a church home why should they consider joining your church?

You should join the Embassy Church because we love people! No matter where you come from, who you are or what you do, we see greatness in you. We are committed to seeing you grow to be like Christ. The worship experience is like none other so you gotta see it to believe it.

Contact Information:

Instagram: @itslady_p

Church Address: 


Embassy Church

325 Fulton Industrial Circle SW 

Atlanta, GA 30336

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